This particular submachine gun is widely used by Germany in World War II MP40 (1940–1945 in Germany) – The MP 40 is a simplified MP 38, intended to replace older, more expensive submachine guns.MP 35 (1935–1945) – An improved submachine gun based on the MP 28.Steyr-Solothurn MP 34 (1930–1970s) – Often called "The Rolls-Royce of submachine guns", the Steyr-Solothurn MP 34 is based on the MP 28 made from the best quality materials available at the time.MP 28 (1928–early 1940s) – An improvement of the MP 18.MP 18 (1918–1945) – German submachine gun, world's first widely used and successful.FN P90 (1990–present) – Belgian personal defense weapon, a submachine gun but with a scaled down intermediate rifle cartridge.F1 submachine gun (1962–1991) – Australian submachine gun intended to replace the Owen gun.Owen gun (1942–1960s) – Australian submachine gun used in World War II and subsequent conflicts until the 60s.IMCOMPLETE: Armor weighting, it may bend weirdly / Different types of ammo currently only require base ammo, some of them may be over powered without restrictionsĪLSO recruiting collaborators who knows how to create (any of) new animation / new cells / new models / optimize the texture or experienced in scripting / Outfit Studio.Thompson submachine gun, commonly associated with American gangsters.(WIP/May not happen soon) Hot switch ammunition types.

NEW functionality for jetpacks: It is stupid if the jetpack can take you to the mid-air yet you are still incapable to run because you are over-burden.

Those camos are also available for military caps, backpacks. NEW wearable: 2 modern BDUs, 24 types of independent camos to choose from (For one of these 2 is 24*24 combinations). Grenade Launcher - Multiple Grenade Launcher (MGL) (3 types for each category, grenades, rifle rounds, shotgun shells) V2.5 is already running in alpha testing on 3dm forum, a beta testing on this site will be released after I have dealt with those found bugs.